Plans have been revealed to create a new staff support building at NATS in Prestwick. 

NATS is the largest air traffic control provider in the UK, providing air traffic control (ATC) at 15 airports and managing all UK upper airspace from their two ATC centres, one in Prestwick and the other at Swanwick in Hampshire.

A proposal has been lodged with South Ayrshire Council for a new staff support building at its existing ATC centre on Fresson Avenue.

NATS have been located at Prestwick Airport since the 1970s, when they moved into Atlantic House.

The Prestwick Centre was then constructed in 2009 and NATS now delivers key ATC services from this building.

Planning documents state that Atlantic House is now underused, and is set to be demolished. NATS plans to create a new building in its place for staff.

A supporting statement lodged with the application states: "Atlantic House and the surrounding buildings have been primarily used for operational support services.

"With changes brought by the Covid pandemic it has resulted in implementation of flexible working practices, leaving much of Atlantic House underused.

"This combined with the age, inflexible layout, energy inefficiency, future maintenance, running costs and restricted access has led NATS to the conclusion that demolition is the best way to manage this underused resource.

"The removal of Atlantic House is proposed to be demolished soon and this will open up the site to the north of the Prestwick Centre where it is proposed to locate the new staff support facility."

The ground floor would include an entrance foyer, unisex changing rooms, toilets, a plant and drying room and storage.

The first floor would have a medical centre and staff gym, with 12 bedrooms on the second floor.

The full application can be viewed on South Ayrshire Council's planning portal at by searching for the reference code 24/00359/APP.