Proposals have been lodged for a new yoga studio in the centre of Ayr. 

The Wellness Centre has applied for a change of use with South Ayrshire Council for a premises at 6 Fullarton Street.

The site was formerly a dentist, but is currently unoccupied and is now set to be reused as a yoga studio. 

Planning documents state: "I wish to apply for change of use from the dental surgery to form a yoga studio.

"There will be no structural changes or amendments to the property. No construction or planning permission required other than a change of use."

Internal partitions on the first floor premises will be taken down to leave a more open space for yoga to take place.

The premises sits across from the busy Ayr bus station, just off Sandgate and Fort Street through the town centre.

The full planning application can be found on South Ayrshire Council's planning portal.