New recycling bins have been introduced in schools across South Ayrshire thanks to funding from the Scottish Government's Recycling Improvement Fund.

The new bins will improve the internal infrastructure in every early years centre, primary school, secondary school and special school throughout the authority, and will help increase the amount of materials that are recycled in South Ayrshire.  

The council's waste management team has been working to distribute the new bins to all schools, which mirror the domestic waste collection bins used in homes in the area.

An event was held at Maybole Community Campus to officially mark the introduction of the bins, and to raise awareness with pupils about why it's important to recycle.

Councillor Martin Kilbride, Portfolio Holder Buildings, Housing and Environment, said: "We currently recycle 54.3 per cent amount of waste in South Ayrshire, and the new bins should increase recycling by 122 tonnes per annum - decreasing CO2e by 125 tonnes per annum."

"Doing our bit for the environment by putting recyclable materials in the right bin continues to be very important for us all.

"By doing this, we reduce the amount of waste building up in landfill while recovering valuable resources to be used again and again.

"I know this change is a shift in the way our pupils dispose of their waste, but with the bins being the same colour and collecting the same waste as at home, it should make it easier for our pupils to recycle and increase the quality of our recycling."

Zero Waste Scotland's Recycling Partner, Jenny Robinson, said: "By introducing these new bins in educational settings across South Ayrshire, the council is taking a crucial step towards fostering a culture of sustainability among future generations.

"And by instilling the habit of recycling early on, it's empowering local youngsters to become stewards of the environment, ensuring a greener, healthier future for Scotland."