Girvan Academy has been hailed for its "positive culture of learning", following a visit by education inspectors. 

A team from Education Scotland visited the school and highlighted the range of activities on offer and staff's effective system for tracking young people's progress. 

The report stated: "The strong leadership of the headteacher is well supported by leaders at all levels.

"This is resulting in a positive culture of learning across the school, including in the support and wellbeing department.

"A comprehensive, effective system for tracking young people’s progress in all curriculum areas from S1 to S6.

"This is helping staff to have a strong understanding of young people’s attainment and next steps.

"It is also enabling them to provide young people with appropriate support to enhance their learning.

"Young people are attaining well and develop important skills for learning, life and work through an extensive range of activities."

The report highlighted the need to improve the consistency of learning, teaching and assessment in the school, and also make sure high-achieving pupils reach their full potential. 

It said the school should "further improve the consistency of high-quality learning, teaching and assessment, by building on examples of very strong practice that exist across the school", and added: "Teachers should further develop approaches to ensure young people understand more effectively the purpose of their learning and how they can be successful.

"They should increase levels of challenge for the most able learners [and] maximise the attainment of all young people, especially those capable of attaining high‑quality passes."

Inspectors said they were confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve and that no more visits will be made in connection with the inspection.