Exciting plans to revamp the former Ayr Grammar School include a restaurant and individual apartments. 

Proposals have been put forward by Creative Designs Ltd for the building, which has been vacant for several years. 

Thousands of pupils passed through its doors for more than 100 years in its former life, but has been subject to low-level vandalism in the past few years. 

planning application has been lodged with South Ayrshire Council to transform the site into a "town centre destination" that would include retail, hospitality and residential offerings. 

The plans propose converting the former school into a mixed use development containing residential, retail, restaurant and ancillary spaces. 

Planning documents state: "A new entrance is proposed on the principal elevation of the building allowing access into the heart of the former school.

"The ground floor classrooms are retained as open spaces well suited to the proposed retail use with little subdivision.

"The entry route leads through to the main stairwell, opened up to its original form by the removal of the unfortunate storage towers.

"This in turn gives access to the former gymnasium, the focal point of the building where the new restaurant use provides a public celebration of the former spaces.

"The upper floor classrooms are given over to residential use with independent access provided via a new stair and lift.

"The smaller ancillary building of janitors house and modern classrooms form three new residential units with independent access.

"The site itself is proposed to be landscaped to create a welcoming new planted forecourt leading to the entrance."

Only minor changes will be made to the exterior of the building, and the applicants believe the new use would have less impact than the site's previous life as a school. 

The full application will be considered by South Ayrshire Council in the coming months, and more information can be found on the local authority's planning portal.