Proposals have been submitted for a new eco-friendly glamping site near Straiton in South Ayrshire. 

Planning documents have been lodged with South Ayrshire Council for the development near the Buskin Burn. 

The applicants are looking for permission to create eight glamping pods and a bunk house, which would include a "charitable educational organisation". 

Documents state: "I propose to turn part of my land into an off-grid eco-friendly glamping site with educational benefits included.

"The aim is to have eight glamping pods and a bunk house for passing tourism as well as educational events.

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"The project will be in keeping with the local area and will utilise local small business's and employ local people.

"We aim to run a charitable educational organisation along with the glamping site, this will educate people on becoming self sustainable."

The development would also include a reception and storage building and space for around ten cars.

Full details can be viewed on South Ayrshire Council's planning portal.