South Ayrshire residents are being asked for their views about how they travel and access amenities by a charity.

Living Streets Scotland, part of a UK charity for everyday walking, is seeking responses to a survey on local travel habits.

Residents who complete the survey could also have a chance to win a £50 shopping voucher.

Anne Docherty, project manager at Living Streets Scotland, said: "We would love to hear from people in South Ayrshire and find out how we can make walking in their local area a more accessible option, especially for children and young people.

"Getting children into walking from a young age creates healthy habits for life, promotes independence and freedom and teaches road awareness.

"It’s also a great way to balance out screentime and is a chance for children to spend time with their friends and family."

The questionnaire is part of the Walking Places project run by Living Streets.

Funded by the Active Nation Fund from Paths for All, the project takes an intergenerational approach, working with five schools and their communities in South Ayrshire.

The aim is to understand how residents move about and to encourage them to walk or use wheels for local journeys.

The survey closes on January 31 and participants can also enter the prize draw.

The previous winner was Karen, a mother of three and NHS worker, who said: "I really enjoy walking for my mental, physical health and fitness.

"The children love being outdoors; it stops cabin fever.

"We try and walk every day and living by the beach and woods is amazing, where we can get out walking and on our bikes.

"The beach should be prescribed."

Residents who wish to take part can find the survey at