A team of keen walkers are gearing up to take on their latest charity challenge after raising £15,000 last year.

Organised by Craig Burns, a team of 38 people completed a 44-mile walk from Ayr to the former village of Glenbuck, near Muirkirk, last summer to raise funds for Ayrshire Hospice.

This year, Craig is hoping to get even more people to take in this year's River Ayr challenge and top the team's amazing efforts in 2023.

Ayr Advertiser: Completing the walk.Completing the walk. (Image: Craig Burns)

The average walker would take around 10 hours to complete the challenge and Craig is happy to offer advice to those who need it.

Craig, originally from Muirkirk, said: "It was just a wee thing I was going to do myself and then it snowballed, and other people got involved and then we ended up doing it for charity.

"At the end of the challenge last year, I asked them if they'd do it again next year, so this time we're doing it in the opposite direction – from Glenbuck to Ayr.

"It's looking like there's even more interest this time. There were 38 of us who did it last year and I've got more than 50 folk interested for this year."

Ayr Advertiser: Donating the money to Ayrshire Hospice.Donating the money to Ayrshire Hospice. (Image: Craig Burns)

Craig added: "I organised water stops and places you could take a wee break and stuff, and we'll be doing it for the hospice again.

"We're planning to do it on June 8 and I just want to try and boost those numbers a bit again, and get as many folk involved as I can.

"I've got a wee group chat set up for people wanting to do it and for anybody wanting to ask any questions.

"There are some people who haven't done anything like that before, so I can give people wee tips and bits of advice if they need it."