MEMBERS of Scout groups from across South Ayrshire have got into the seasonal spirit at their annual carol concert - with some very special awards presented on the night too.

The Kyle and Carrick District Scouts' carol service featured Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, leaders, family, and friends from across the district, which covers Scout groups from Ballantrae to Symington.

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The concert was hosted by the Prestwick-based 14th Ayrshire Scout Group at St Nicholas Church in the town.

Fiona Hainey from the 14th Ayrshire Scout Group said: “The Beavers performed Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in sign language, and the Cubs spoke about international Christmas traditions from Austria to Japan with our favourite tradition being from Catalonia – The Poop Log.

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“The Scouts section performed a hilarious 12 Nights of Christmas; the Strong Brothers gave the MacDonald Brothers a run for their money with a brilliant Christmas mash-up on their guitar and ukuleles; and James from the 18th Ayrshire Scout Group played Frosty the Snowman on his cornet which gave everyone the Christmas feelings."

All those attending were given a limited-edition Christmas badge, designed by Jacob Cree from the Beaver section after a competition among members of the 14th Ayrshire Scout Group.

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Fiona continued: "Jacob was presented on the night with a framed certificate and the very first badge that was manufactured.

“Jacob not only designed the amazing badge but he has also earned his Chief Scout Bronze Award too.

"Jacob has earned the highest award a Beaver can achieve - something he has been working to since he started as a Beaver.

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And Jacob wasn't the only award winner on the night - with Izaak Strong from the Prestwick group's Cubs earning his silver Chief Scout Award.

“Izaak popped up in lots of different performances at the concert," Fiona said.

"When Izaak was in Beavers he earned every Badge there was, and Cubs has been no different.

"Izaak enjoys giving everything a go and plays a huge part in our Cub group. Well done Izaak for all your hard work - next stop gold!”

Fiona added: "The evening was planned by our young people for our Scouting community and beyond.

"It was a lovely evening celebrating with over 200 family and friends.

"We hope everyone enjoyed the night and it made you feel Christmassy inside."