Ayr MSP Siobhian Brown has welcomed the introduction of a Baby Loss Memorial Book for anyone who has experienced pregnancy or baby loss prior to 24 weeks.

The book, designed with the support of charities and health professionals, will give parents the opportunity to commemorate their loss with a physical record. The book is free and entirely optional.

The development of a Memorial Book was undertaken by the Scottish Government after listening to parents who told their experiences of how difficult it was that their losses went unrecognised. 

The SNP MSP said: “Losing a baby during pregnancy is incredibly painful and difficult for any family. Up to now, there was no formal way to recognise their loss.

“The Memorial Book will provide the opportunity for families who have suffered this loss a source of comfort that their baby will be acknowledged and remembered.

“I encourage anyone who has suffered through this experience to apply, should they wish, to this free and voluntary service.”

To register for the memorial book, visit:  www.nrscotland.gov.uk/registration/memorial-book-of-pregnancy-and-baby-loss-prior-to-24-weeks