A NINE-year-old Cub Scout from Prestwick has made this year extra special for those children who are in hospital over the festive period by collecting presents for them.

Prestwick Cub Scout Dayn, who has complex heart defects, challenged himself to collect 150 selection boxes and Christmas goodies to make this year extra special for children that are in hospital over Christmas. 

Dayn started his appeal by asking the young people of the 14th Ayrshire Scout Group in Prestwick which include Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, to donate a selection box or Christmas goodies.

Very quickly Dayn had beat his target, with the 18th Ayrshire Scout Group donating as well as Morrisons Ayr and the wider Prestwick Community adding to his total.

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Dayn’s last count was a massive 290 selection boxes/sweeties, 150 different toiletries, books, pens, games, puzzles, soft toys, £300 worth of baby clothes, accessories, kids PJs, socks, slippers, adults underwear, socks slippers and nightwear.

A University Hospital Crosshouse spokesperson said: "A huge thank you to everyone who supported Dayn’s Christmas charity appeal.

"This is a simple albeit humble act of kindness that will definitely put a huge smile on each child’s face who has been admitted and will be admitted over the Christmas period.

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"Also supporting parents and guardians who didn’t have time to pack any personal care items prior to their child’s admission."

Dayn recently got to meet his local MSP Siobhian Brown as a result of his kindness, and the MSP presented Dayn with a certificate for being mentioned for his amazing charity work over the years at the Scottish Parliament.

Siobhian said: "What an amazing young person Dayn is. His tireless work to make children lifes that little bit better while in hospital is truly amazing and is I think we should all celebrate this young person's hard work!"

Dayn commented: "I really enjoy collecting for other children in hospital and love sharing all the selection boxes and Christmas goodies out, to all the wonderful hospitals."

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14th Ayrshire Group Scout leader Fiona Hainey said: “When Dayn asked his Scout Group to help with his appeal our full Scout Group never hesitates.

“Dayn has always shown a commitment to helping others who are less fortunate them himself.

“Dayn is a gift to those he's around. His positive attitude and charitable nature is humbling.

"Young people like Dayn represent the best values and traditions of Scouting.

“I could not be prouder of him."