A CLAMPDOWN on deliberate fireraising has been launched.

The move comes amid concerns over the number of incidents being dealt with by fire crews, often caused by young people.

And there are fears the problem will get worse during the summer months, when schools are closed.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) is urging local parents to play their part by reminding children of the risks involved.

Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Alasdair Perry, SFRS head of prevention and protection, said: "Deliberate fire-setting is as needless as it is unacceptable.

"We are proud of our educational and prevention work but it is true that parents, carers and members of the public can all help us here by engaging with young people and laying bear the costs and consequences of starting a fire.

"When a young person deliberately starts a fire, they are risking their safety, their future and the welfare of others. Firefighters are also being dragged away from genuine emergencies.

"Our prevention work will continue but it goes without saying that we take deliberate fire-setting very seriously and will always work with our partners in Police Scotland to identify those responsible.”

The SFRS has also issued a safety warning about the risk of fire in the countryside as more people get out and about during the summer months.

Mr Perry said that fires in the open are often set deliberately or are caused by complacency and can cause huge damage to the landscape and wildlife, with the potential to burn for days.

He added: "We need people to be aware of how quickly things can get out of hand.

"Outdoor fires can spread very quickly and can cause huge damage to areas of countryside. They can spread quickly within tents and caravans.

"We understand that people will, of course, want to take to the countryside and holiday this year but please be careful and bear in mind that human behaviour can drive the risk of fire down significantly.

"First and foremost, before lighting any outdoor fires, check for any restrictions or permissions required by the landowner and make sure you use a fire-safe pit or container that can be properly extinguished before you leave."

For more information, visit www.firescotland.gov.uk/your-safety/outdoors/summer-safety.