Bannatyne health club in Ayr is introducing a new six-week wellbeing programme to support an holistic approach to health and fitness.

HealthSmart is a flexible reintroduction programme for new and returning members that puts the focus on improving general wellness. It complements the existing StartSmart twelve-week support programme.

The first session with the fitness coach, which takes around 45 minutes, builds profiles based on both body composition data from the inBody analyser, and the individual’s perception of eight areas of their life from sleep, relaxation, confidence, and competence through to motivation, hydration, strength, and fitness.

Craig Pilgrim, general manager of The Bannatyne Group in Ayr, and his team have been working on a number of initiatives to support members on their return to health clubs following the recent lockdown.

He said: “Joining or returning after a time away to a health club might be a little daunting for some people. People come to our health clubs for much more than just a gym workout, it’s an overall wellbeing experience and the HealthSmart programme is part of this. It will build confidence and offer ongoing support to achieve each individual’s personal goals.

“The two profiles provide a powerful insight into a person’s wellbeing and enables them to feel an overall improvement within a short period of time.

“The coach will devise a simple programme using our state of the art fixed-resistance equipment and throughout the HealthSmart programme offer accurate health assessments. Monitoring the member’s perception of their life and how they score the eight areas will give valuable insight into their progress and the positive effect HealthSmart has on them.

“We are working on further programmes to support our members post-Covid. If the pandemic has taught us anything it is that our health, physical and mental, is too important to take for granted.”