CHILDREN have held up defiant messages in a bid to change the mindset of parents with cars clogging up roads around their primary school.

Pupils of Forehill Primary School in Ayr have got to work producing banners with catchy slogans to say “safe kids are happy kids” and urge rushed mums and dads to “think before you park”.

The bold banners have been placed around the school gates in a bid to tackle the issue which staff fear could endanger a child.

Headteacher at Forehill Mr Watson has been tackling the issue of inconsiderate parking for years and he feels it’s only a matter of time before a child is hurt.

He told the Advertiser: “It becomes quite a significant issue - potentially leading to a health and safety issue for the children.

“We are all doing it because we want the children to be safe. I’m not doing it to be awkward or twisted in any way, parking on double yellows, parking on peoples driveways, parking up in pavements is just not an option.

“We’ve got nearly 500 children all coming out at quarter past three each day it’s only a matter of time before someone is going to get hurt which I pray will never happen, but we’re trying to educate people.”

“No matter what we’ve done or what we’ve tried interventions from police from parking attendants have a limited lifespan. What happens when they withdraw it all just starts up again.”

“If the children are sending messages it can be more powerful than me sending a message.We want to work with them so that everyone in the community is safe.”