People in South Carrick are being given the opportunity to have their say about plans to create a new all-weather pitch in Girvan. A consultation event is being held at Girvan Academy on Thursday, November 1 to let people find out more.

This will be the first stage in the project which means the community will be consulted about potential locations for the pitch alongside ideas for the kinds of activity that would take place. Potential sports including football, rugby and hockey will be discussed at the event which will take place between 2pm and 8pm.

Girvan Academy will showcase images of the pitch and its location plans. People will be able to drop in on the day to discuss the plans with South Ayrshire Council staff and Professional Sportsturf Design.

The work is likely to take place in 2019/20 with a budget of £850,000 that was outlined in the Capital Investment Programme in March this year.

Councillor Peter Henderson, South Ayrshire Council’s Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance said that community views would help to shape the final project. He said: “We’re committed to establishing strong community networks and partnerships that will address local needs, and before we start work want to hear from the Girvan community.

“The new all-weather pitch will provide obvious benefits for local sports groups and will help to promote healthy lifestyles all year long, and we expect constructive discussions to help shape the way the project will be delivered.

“I’d urge anyone with an interest in the new pitch to go along to the public event and find out more, with people able to leave feedback with the team on the day.”