AYR Grammar is one of the first schools in Ayrshire to sign up to the Breastfeed Happily Here scheme.

The project is designed to educate people and businesses about breastfeeding legislation which protects mothers against those who take issue with them feeding their babies in public, and remind them that it is illegal to try and stop a mother from doing this.

Venues display a sticker to let all customers know about the law and to openly support mothers and their babies. Ayr Grammar have got on board with this which has allowed schoolchildren to be educated first-hand on the matter.

Alison Coxon, Deputy Head Teacher at Ayr Grammar said: “Ayr Grammar is proud to have been signed up to Breastfeed happily here for a while now, and we welcome and support breastfeeding mums while on school premises.

“We hope that other schools in South Ayrshire join the scheme too and help normalise breastfeeding for our children.”

The school was also visited by Depute Chief Executive of South Ayrshire Council Douglas Hutchison to hear more about their involvement in the scheme. He said: “We plan to sign up all 50 schools in South Ayrshire to support the scheme. There are many reasons mums may be at schools with their babies, so it is important to make sure that they feel comfortable to breastfeed anywhere.

“By displaying the sticker and starting the conversation, we can also let pupils and staff know why breastfeeding families might need support from everyone in the community.”

NHS Ayrshire & Arran commented on how a change of attitude is developing from the scheme which involves sessions to teach locals and their children.