VOLLEYS, serves and smashes were all the order of the day at a special schools event held recently.

South Ayrshire Active Schools held a Silver secondary school badminton competition for S1 to S6 pupils in Prestwick Tennis Centre.

Ayr, Prestwick, Kyle and Queen Margaret Academy participated in the event, which helped them develop their skills and meet peers of a similar age from other schools.

After a challenging day of competition, Bradley Martin of Prestwick Academy emerged as the winner.

South Ayrshire Active Schools stage events for pupils in both primary and secondary schools right across the community.

They have two key aims:

*To continue to increaseopportunities for all children and young people to be engaged in physical activity and sport.

*To strengthen pathways to participation and performance through sustainable school to community links.

Events are held throughout the academic year with a whole host of sport represented, including basketball, swimming, golf, volleyball, tennis, basketball, gymnastics and netball, with dance competitions also organised..

All competitions are run by a well-organised team, who plan the events will in advance.

For more details log on to: http://www.activeschoolssa.co.uk/ or alternatively email: active.schools@south-ayrshire.gov.uk.