A warning has been issued after a ‘huge’ fire was set near to Prestwick beach.

The alert came after an alarmed local resident watched two 4x4 vehicles drive over the sand dunes onto the beach on Friday, June 8, before starting a blaze.

She explained: “I was so annoyed - they have driven quite far along the beach, with total disregard to others who were already there, building a huge fire with driftwood and then leaving it burning.

“I did call the Police about it - they advised me that they would send a car down but at that time they were leaving and parked up beside the water treatment building. She advised me to call the fire brigade, but I informed her that they couldn’t probably access the road as the 4x4 drivers had seemingly blocked the entrance/exit but then moved on shortly afterwards.

“The two vehicles had to initially drive over the sand dunes at the entrance to get to the beach and although they weren’t parked on the dunes themselves.

“They were very close and had to drive partially back over them to get to the exit. 

“I was with my dog at the time and I just couldn’t leave the fire burning. 

“They had it near their cars - filled with fuel - and near the sand dunes which were so dry, a spark could have ignited them with goodness knows what consequences.

“Their actions could have had serious consequences for the environment and public safety.”

Assistant Chief Officer David McGown at Scottish Fire and Rescue previously spoke about deliberate fires being “absolutely unacceptable”.

He said: “Firefighters exist to protect their communities and yet they are being put at risk by a very small minority of people within those communities who deliberately set fires.

“Deliberate fires are not only reckless and dangerous, but can divert SFRS resources away from genuine emergencies where people require our help. 

“[We] therefore operate a strict zero tolerance approach to deliberate fire raising.”

South Ayrshire Council advised that anyone using the beaches should “act responsibly at all times”.